Do you think this is insurance fraud, or even legal??? - can new insurance cover old dental bill
I wear the eye care, dental, all insurance coverage of 100% for my daughter who is 11 years. She lives with her mother and stepfather, which controls everything and keep all the advantages for me. In the last 2 years, the stepfather medical, dental, vision was knwledge without me. My insurance is not provided for any services, the court dismissed the cover charge, and I have insurance that covers anything and everything awesome. Step-father has led the appointment if your insurance is not something that is really just my personal social security #, etc., or to have information and pay your coinsurance, it is useful to think of me cover, no invoice or correspondence I receive from my insurance. I wanted to your insurance, especially in the last week my daughter contact told me that her stepfather took her and heard oral surgery in the mouth. I think they are told not heard from a doctor or even about the surgery.
Sounds like a judge needs to have a little talk with your father on the invasion of privacy. He has no right to personal information. Want to have her first Pap test and review books?
Why do not you ask your attorney this question a few more breasts in Yahoo, which may not know, what?
Typical situation, millions of parents in the same boat.
Parental rights are consistently ignored by the mothers and the courts. We need to unite and fight for our rights.
It is ridiculous to pay 100% of the increase of the child, but only 10% received custody.
It is time for women to recover what they have us!
It is not illegal and is not fraudulent. With regard to the way that it corresponds to the custody arrangement, we would go to his lawyer.
Legally, insurance contracts are ususally a "benetits coordination clause. This requires that any person, by two measures related to the inability to recognize and prevent companies from paying bills for both the same company or the payment of all services that there where policy can also cover a given service. Thus, apart from the obvious moral issue, that he was so involved in the affairs of his daughter's care, you, and it may be in hot water when the insurance companies are aware of it. A very real reason for you to speak.
Looks like to request you would call your lawyer and a hearing.
If the type is your social security number to med bills apply to you, that sounds pretty shade .. Id must be considered.
Yes, insurance fraud, legal and what is not.
Step-father did not have permission to use her daughter in addition to your insurance company. It's really great what you do, but because it costs money and not have it. And although the court to medical care for which they are, it will not be ordered by the court, that she may have no other insurance of another person.
Many people have twice the range. (What's the status of his daughter.) Most of the time where you have double coverage of supplier invoices, insurance, and accounting for secondary than primary insurance is not covered. It is legal because they are "double compensation", but only raise money to cover the total cost of care.
With or without your SS #, can be your insurance company if it is used. (Most insurance companies actually make their SS # on the card and their dependents covered by your society and politics.) No need to useInvoice to your insurance. You already have.
And you can call the safe passage of the father what you want. Not only do you not speak because they are not members, but even if they were, they can not have your pension with you because of HIPAA.
The health sector is an area in which the parents do not always have the last word in relation to the custody of their children. At eleven, yes ... not yet been informed of what's happening ... have been but by the other parent, but.
That is not right! Bring him to justice.
I would not say who will be covered by insurance fraud, but identity theft. Check your credit report to ensure that they do not use CSS # for something else.
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